Thursday, March 17, 2011


Not really a totem pole, but a menhir, or a "bautastein" in Norwegian. Just like the ones Obelix, in the comics, kept throwing at people.

This one stands in Husabø, and apparently it is the largest one.


  1. the "symbolism".... hmmmm
    is it just me, or would that be phallic? :-)

  2. by the way, Trine, I've added a wiki link for "menhir" since, although it is an English word, I've never heard of it before! This is very interesting!!! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Promise I never heard "menhir" before either. But it seamed the only translation of "bautastein". And no, there are no inscriptions on them. They just ARE there. Very STONE like. And no one knows how deep they are or for what purpose they have been put up. Just guessings.
